Team ENDURO USATM    -   -   -   the “long race” Join the Team - - - set up your own My ENDURO account.                
                            There are many types of ENDUROs (“long races”) for high school students. For example, graduating from high school is a 12 year ENDURO (”long race”). - Your “ENDURO” (long race) could be making a good grade in a tough class.   - Your “ENDURO” (long race) could be participating and performing in sports.  - Another student’s “ENDURO” could be performing in band, drama (or any    other co-educational activity) that requires hard word and dedication.  Establishing long-term, lasting relationships with friends while in high    school is a very important and rewarding (personal) “ENDURO”.     As a high school student (or older) you now realize everyone always has multiple “long races” (ENDUROs) they are “running” at the same time.  And, many of the most important ENDUROs are “life-long races.                       Team ENDURO USATM is a “social network” of students who are “teaming up” (on-line) to Run each ENDURO (life long race) based on two very important “racing principals”:  Respect -AND- Reality    The Team ENDURO USA website provides students with a fun, simple, unique way to “chat” and stay in touch with other students for one purpose:   -  -  -  to support each other’s “ENDURO. So, join the TEAM.  -  -  -  Create your own My ENDUROTM account so you can participate in the Locker Room “Chat” with friends and acquaintences. For a sample of what’s in each My ENDURO “Locker Room”, click HERE     
Sponsored by:  ENDURO Sports USA  /  Run-ENDURO USA The word “ENDURO” (by definition) means “a long race”.